


Welcome to the launch of Poor Yorick’s blog!

We will supplement the content of the journal here with occasional news and several features. Thursdays will feature Flashes of the Past book reviews, where staff and contributors will review potentially overlooked books published prior to 2000. Friday will feature Skull Talk, which will spotlight images of objects and places staff have visited or stumbled upon and want to bring back into the light. Additionally, the blog will publish interviews with authors and artists and post news about museum partnerships and local events of literary and historical interest.

The mission of Poor Yorick is to bring back into light the skeletons hidden in our cultural closets.  We think our unique focus on rediscovery of the past will be valuable as we all work to connect with our culture. So much of what is in the past seems to stay in the past, and in exploring objects from both a creative and factual way, we hope to spark connection between history and the present.

STAY TUNED! We will begin publishing our main content this fall! We have about a dozen pieces slated for rollout that include poems, stories, interviews, essays, photographs, and sculptures, all focusing on inspiration from historical artifacts and objects. The featured artists and authors have definitely hit upon the mission of the journal as inspiring a unique synergy between imagination and knowledge.

Please visit our submissions page. We have open submissions and welcome your unique ways to probe and expose discovery and rediscovery.

Back to the blog! We hope readers find the blog meaningful and insightful, and we welcome feedback on and interaction with our posts. Please feel free to email me at editor@pooryorickjournal.com with any comments, suggestion, or questions.

Thank you for your support!

Melissa Gordon
Poor Yorick Editor-in-Chief