Masks have been a hot topic in the past year. We wear them to protect ourselves and others from disease, discovery, and harm, whether they take the form of a piece of fabric worn over one’s mouth or an emotional wall shielding one’s true self. In honor of National Poetry Month, we invite you to send us your best poems relating to the concept of masks and masking.
Please submit all work via the Poor Yorick Submittable page. Limit submissions to a single poem. If multiple poems are included in a submission, we will assume they are meant to be treated as one and will accept all or none of them.
To complement our special issue for National Poetry month, we’re also looking for art and photography relating to the concept of masks and masking.
Please submit all work via the Poor Yorick Submittable page. We accept up to 5 images per submission form. Send only high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi) in .jpg, .tiff, or .png format, and provide a caption and alt text for each image.
There is no reading fee for this special issue, and multiple submissions are welcome. Selected submissions will be published on the Poor Yorick website on Friday, April 30, and creators will be invited to showcase their work at a special virtual open mic on Thursday, April 29.
SUBMISSIONS OPEN: December 31-January 31