Philip J McCook earned this Distinguished Service Cross for actions on November 6, 1918. While finishing a reconnaissance mission, he suffered a wound when shrapnel shattered his knee.
I came to be
because of the heroic
actions of Phillip McCook
I was awarded to Stuffed behind an
this soldier because old desk, look at him
he overcame his fears he didn’t earn me for
to do the job that sitting around, like a coward
his country needed playing word games
him to do to win battles, no, he
he didn’t question fought with honor
orders, he just did and courage
on decemeber 7
1941, a great blow was struck
to our country, our home had been attacked
yet Philip was not allowed to regain our country’s
honor—no— they sat him behind a desk to play
games of words and deceit, a great shame
upon the name of McCook