The Decoy

by G.C. Waldrep

after Edith Rimmington


decoy_imgThe blood of the hand, écorché

rising into expectation.  A stairway

creates the illusion of

domestic entitlement,

the viewer invited to rise

as volition dictates, step by step

the swifts.  Their delicate.

decoy_historyI mean we see it as.

Choreography, these turns

they make, defenestrate

the natural habitat.  We prepare

each local species

for its inhument, Kharkov

burns its slow way into all

our premier vacation destinations.

No, not physics, the post-

colonial body recoils

as a sort of spring-tapped gun

leaving bruises on the shoulder’s

thickish jail.  Prisoner’s

dilemma, whether to compose

after the manner of a CIA drone

or.  Something.  Soft,

a bank teller maybe.  He wants

you to withdraw money

& you want to too,

this is the tragedy of art,

we all want the same things only

some of us go on wanting.

About the Author

G.C. Waldrep’s most recent books are The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta, 2012), co-edited with Joshua Corey, and a chapbook, Susquehanna (Omnidawn, 2013). BOA Editions will release a long poem, Testament, in 2015. Waldrep lives in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, where he teaches at Bucknell University and serves as the editor of the journal West Branch and as Editor-at-Large for The Kenyon Review