Tor Day by Thomas Piekarski
Thomas Piekarski in his poem “Tor Day” offers tribute to the the highly influential poet, Robinson Jeffers, know for his philosophy of “inhumanism.” … Continue readingTor Day by Thomas Piekarski
Thomas Piekarski in his poem “Tor Day” offers tribute to the the highly influential poet, Robinson Jeffers, know for his philosophy of “inhumanism.” … Continue readingTor Day by Thomas Piekarski
by Jeannette Ronson – Most poets and writers dream of a reclusive retreat on a beach where the only sounds are the lapping of waves and the screech of seagulls. American poet Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962) not only dreamt it but also built it. Assisting in the construction of his granite home
Continue readingRediscovered Stories: Poet Robinson Jeffers’s Sanctuary: Tor House
Jenifer DeBellis’ poem brings a lost painter back to life. … Continue readingThe Natural Man by Jenifer DeBellis
by Catherine D’Andrea – “What one wears on the outside reflects what goes on in the heart.” —Anna and Dorus van Gogh (parents of Vincent) Hats provide protection against the elements and express our sense of style. Hats, caps in particular, can also signify our interests and associations: athletic, academic,
Continue readingRediscovered Stories: Work, Warmth, and the Straw Hat of Vincent van Gogh
Wheels tumbled down The steep and patterned way, Over the melodic white and black peaks And through tall, grand gateways Into a meadow full of wonder, colour, And the yearning for adventure. That was my sheep. With soft and curly wool And the bluest of eyes. His name was
Continue readingMy Sheep, His Name Was Mouton by Diana Alvarado
Dearest Brother, Have no worry Hen, if there is one thing you don’t have to worry about it is my steadfast approach to learning here at Trinity College. I have no intentions of being anything less than the best I can be, the best I want to be. I
Hankow, China June 7th, 1901 Dearest Mother and Father, It is with my greatest pleasure that I send you a lovely, hand made, embroidered tapestry for your 35th anniversary. This tapestry depicts a scene from a traditional Chinese wedding and it reminded me of the blessings you have witnessed
George worked very hard but he never got to make the most of his life because he died so young at the age of 25. He fought in the Spanish-American war when he was only 22 years old. His family took pride in war and joining the army, and
I am a chair. I hate my surroundings, because all I have ever seen is disease, death, and pain. As I look around the clinic, I see many different oils and potions. John B. McCook experiments with various mixtures to create medicine and vaccines to apply to his clients.
He said it was a surprise. But why would he want to surprise a pregnant woman? Our chickees might be enthralled, But what is so important that he quit his business trip? It’s only 1867 and he said he met a man named Albert Krafft. The stories of his