
Spring Issue: Rediscovery

Welcome to the Spring Issue of Poor Yorick Journal! We are delighted to share a selection of wonderful prose, poetry, and visual art with you. Please enjoy, and support our wonderful contributors by taking a moment to read their bios at the end of the journal and engage with their

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“Beauty, Prayer, and the Sticky Image: My iPhone Practice” by Randall VanderMey

My hand slides into my left front pocket, reaching for my iPhone. It’s not blind reflex or mechanical routine. It‘s a practice. I have decided quite intentionally to do less of other things so I can do more of this. When I grab my iPhone, I’ve trained myself to be ready, curious, and alert. I try to frame a photo so that I’m seeing what interests me, eliminating what doesn’t, and keeping my own image out of it. … Continue reading“Beauty, Prayer, and the Sticky Image: My iPhone Practice” by Randall VanderMey

image of chain link fencing hanging between two cement posts, over slate path

“4 Objects, 21 Lessons,” by Steven Wingate

“Freshly divorced, I drive from Miami, Florida, to Durham, New Hampshire, with my new girlfriend, who is headed for grad school there. We arrive a day early and decide to spend a night at Ogunquit Beach in southern Maine, a place I’d enjoyed greatly with my ex-wife and now want to reclaim as a single man. A depressed man. A browbeaten man. But a single man, choked with possibility.” … Continue reading“4 Objects, 21 Lessons,” by Steven Wingate

“The Book,” by John Bonanni

My father had an unusual book that rested on his work desk. It was worn and brown. The covers looked hard, almost like a box. When I was a child, from my view at four feet, the ends seemed tinted, a marbled brown design, chipped at the edges. I imagined it to be a case, a chest filled with things I might find interesting or valuable. I wanted to look inside. … Continue reading“The Book,” by John Bonanni